Not just a consultant, not just an advisor, definitely not just another set of hands. Em-Jay is all about driving alignment, focus, collaboration and results.
Building systems, building teams, building transformations that build a sustainable future. Achieving this through listening, challenging and disrupting, and identifying and resolving the Use Cases that make a difference to your business. Leveraging the untapped potential of Industry 4.0 for your business, and ensuring you are doing it in a climate friendly way.

Knows the "Instruments" and understands the "Music"
Significant experience at globally building teams, bridging chasms, and breaking down organisational silos

Independent of a vendor, focus on "fit for purpose"
Focus on the use case, the problem statement, the change management, the adoption

Driving technology is an enabler, not the solution
Unsticking, building bridges, both technologically and organisationally

Over 35 years of global experience
Across Plant Operations, Suppliers, and Technology Partners

Freedom to focus on actions that have a direct correlation to positive impact
Focus, accountability and responsibility to deliver results

Digital Transformation
Technology is enabling a transformation of the complete value chain. Whether it be improving the performance of assets and resources, or enabling seamless collaboration all the way from the field to the consumer. Digital Transformation can drive the elimination of waste and inefficiencies whilst dramatically improving the business performance.
Climate Change
Sustainability initiatives are not only there to help improve Corporate Image, but also when integrated as part of the Digital Transformation Strategy, can improve the image and performance or the organisation Whether it be water stewardship, wasted product and packaging materials, energy conservation, or simply the shift to become "greener", all can deliver positive results to both the company and the environment.
Getting everyone on the same page. Getting people to think beyond their area of responsibility. Making collaboration happen across systems and people. Joining the dots and managing the change.
An abundance of great ideas, a significant amount of "pilots", but stuck, in a holding pattern, unable to accelerate. Procrastiantion due to lack of trust, confidence and budget. Where to start? How to start? Maximising the impact while reducing the effort and cost.